Let's get you moving in a good direction

“I felt like we used our time so efficiently, discussing our goals and getting so many ideas that fit our style and how we want to use our space. I think we have a whole plan in just an hour.”

Amanda (Raleigh, NC)

One hour of design advising via video chat.

One-Hour Consultation

Let’s get together for one hour by Zoom and discuss how to bring your space to life in a way that will serve you and your household well. We’ll be thoughtful about your budget and how to stretch your dollars, and at the end of our time together, we’ll send you notes and recommendations from our conversation. While the specifics of our conversation will be tailored to your unique needs, our general goal for the time together is to give you an actionable path forward to tackle what you want in a prioritized and manageable way. You’ll leave feeling inspired and motivated to improve your space.

During our consultation, we might…

  • Strategize around space planning and how to most functionally lay out your furniture in a room

  • Help determine what items you may want to consider investing in vs. what you don’t need to spend on right now

  • Recommend places to look for items you need

  • Prioritize action steps so you leave the call with 3 key priorities as your next steps

  • Get you unstuck so you have momentum and energy to move forward

"Mary Kathryn has been my coach, champion and guide to the world of home design and has helped me enormously in the process of creating a comfortable home that brings me joy and peace."

- Eve (LaGrande, OR)